Evolution & Behaviour
The crocodile that crossed an ocean
How many times have you been thinking about a crocodile while swimming in the sea or in the ocean? Probably not a single time. For most of us, the chance of meeting a crocodile while swimming in salt water is unlikely. However, in some areas... click to read more
The body-language of the elephant trunk
Illustration realized in the framework of a collaboration between the Image/Recit option of the HEAD (Haute École d'Art et de Design) and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva. Articulated bodies like the human skeleton are made of serial joints, restraining the number of... click to read more
How did wild cats turn into our beloved domestic animals?
How cats – one of our favorite domestic animals – historically turned to live with us remains mysterious. The relationships between humans and housecats' common ancestor, the Near Eastern wildcat, begun as early as a rise of farming over 9,000 years ago, but it took... click to read more
Sea otters: how welcome should a recovering top predator be?
Sea otters are a marine mammal with a long history of interactions with humans. Beyond their cute appearance, they were once hunted to near extinction for their lush pelts. To help recover this endangered species, sea otters were re-introduced to the northwest coast of Vancouver... click to read more
Bat genomes: unveiling the secrets of their superpowers
If you watch and listen carefully on a quiet summer's night in the open air, you might perceive some dark shadows flying around or hear some high-pitch chirps. Yes, you have probably guessed it right. These are bats who have just started their 'day' and... click to read more
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