number of breaks: 10
How accurate is our memory?
Cast your mind back to an experience from your past. For example, the last time you ate dinner at a restaurant. Take a minute or two to recall as many details as you can – who you were with, where you sat, any stray recollections... click to read more
Damping bad memories to live without concerns
Ask yourself – how honest can you be? Have you ever lied in your life? In criminal matters, accused people often claim that they do not remember some details of a crime to mitigate their responsibility. Ethically speaking, people usually wish to be moral but... click to read more
How our brain temporally organizes our memories of past events
The ability of the brain to represent time is fundamental for human experience. When something remarkable happens to us, our brain records it as a video. When we remember it, we recall also the location and time sequence in which the event occurred, in addition... click to read more
Learning to stop: two types of neurons cooperate to adjust behaviour
We continuously learn about the consequences of our actions and change our behaviour accordingly so we can in future repeat a response that produced the desired outcome and hold back learned behaviours that are no longer appropriate. Imagine you are hungry and go to the... click to read more
How Does Memory Guide Learning? Birds Can Answer
Memory is how our past experiences shape our behavior in the future. For example, as children, we form memories of our parents and other people speaking and use those memories to learn spoken language ourselves. Forming memories cause changes to many different regions of our... click to read more
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