Evolution & Behaviour
Salmon evolve quickly as a response to intense harvesting of their prey
Climate change and human activities impact living creatures in complex ways. In response, organisms may acclimate to those challenges during their lifetime or adapt over several generations, through genetic changes. Organisms with characteristics matching best their new environment, such as size at reproduction, will spread... click to read more
Orb-weaving spiders can hear using their web
Spiders are among the oldest and most successful land predators, with a fossil record much earlier than dinosaurs. All spiders are preeminent craftsmen, producing silks that can be even stronger than steel in strength-to-weight ratio. When woven into a web, the animal architecture functions as... click to read more
The Mystery of the Lizard Tail
When lizards are under attack, they break off their tails in a fraction of a second and escape. Scientifically, this is known as tail or caudal autotomy. Since the tail is an important organ of lizards for survival as it helps them nourish, run, leap,... click to read more
The mechanisms behind synchronized hunts in spiders
In nature, entities like cells or organisms like spiders and humans, can interact to generate collective behavior. Among these fascinating behaviors, synchronization is found at all scales of life, from heart tissue where cells beat regularly to assemblies of fireflies that flash in rhythm. Within... click to read more
Towards Smaller And Less Palatable Fish Species In A Warmer World
Human activities drive changes in marine ecosystems, both directly through e.g. fishing and habitat modification, and indirectly through climate change. Warmer temperatures and associated oxygen decrease will influence the abundance, distribution and diversity of wild fish stocks. Previous studies showed that smaller fishes can cope... click to read more
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