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number of breaks: 4

showing 1-4 of 4 breaks

Nitrogen is becoming less available in ecosystems around the world

You probably don’t spend much time thinking about nitrogen. If you do, maybe you think of it as a pollutant. Fertilizer running off farm fields, livestock manure giving off ammonia, and burning fossil fuels all add nitrogen to the environment. This nitrogen contributes to the... click to read more

  • Rachel Mason | Research Scientist at Arizona State University
Views 1716
Reading time 3 min
published on Jul 28, 2023
Leveraging Earth to study how water formed on ancient Mars

Unlike our own Blue Planet, Mars is currently too cold to sustain liquid water at its surface. At first glance, Mars 4 billion years ago should have been even colder. Back then, the Sun's brightness was only about 70% of what it is today. Yet... click to read more

Views 5316
Reading time 4 min
published on Apr 7, 2021
Cometary nitrogenous salts tell about the Solar System’s history

How did planets arise? How did the Earth become a unique planet with a habitable surface? A way to address these long-standing questions is to explore the "small bodies" of the Solar System. In addition to the planets and the satellites circuiting around them, our... click to read more

  • Olivier Poch | Researcher at Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CNES, IPAG, 38000 Grenoble, France
Views 3849
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Jan 15, 2021
Nitrogen pollution from lowlands reaches distant mountain lakes

Nitrogen is required by all living things, but too much of it can be a problem for aquatic ecosystems. Excess reactive nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium, forms that can be used directly by plants and algae) can cause lake eutrophication which can include harmful algal blooms,... click to read more

  • Beth Hundey | Adjunct Research Professor & eLearning specialist at Teaching Support Centre, Western University, London, Canada
  • Katrina Moser | Associate Professor at Department of Geography at Western University, London, Canada
  • Fred Longstaffe | Distinguished Professor at Department of Earth Science, Western University, London, Canada
Views 5975
Reading time 3 min
published on Sep 21, 2016