immune cells
number of breaks: 6
Charting the immune landscape in brain cancers
Thanks to revolutionary advances in cancer research, several cancer types can today be treated and controlled over long periods, similar to other chronic diseases. Among the most recent developments are immunotherapies, which aim to activate the patients' immune system to fight cancer. While immunotherapies have... click to read more
Shuttle service for metastatic cancer cells
The majority of cancer-related deaths are due to the spread of cancer cells throughout the body, a process called metastasis. While we still do not fully understand how metastasis works, an important role is attributed to the "disobedience" of a patient's own immune cells. In... click to read more
Sleeping bacteria survive antibiotic treatment and hijack the host immune system
Since the 1940s, it has become easier to treat bacterial infections due to the discovery of antibiotics. These drugs work by corrupting active processes in bacteria, such as the ability to make DNA or proteins. By taking antibiotics when we are infected, we kill most... click to read more
Empowering the immune system to fight against cancer
It is well known that to grow and invade different organs, tumours must find ways to evade several layers of controls that are in place in our body. The immune system, a complex network of cells and antibodies has been shaped by evolution to protect... click to read more
Cold adaptation: gut bacteria can make the difference
If someone told you that in our body we harbour billions of bacteria, surely you would feel mocked, but it's true! There is evidence showing that microbes colonize all the part of our body that are exposed to the external environment (like mouth and skin),... click to read more
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