number of breaks: 5
Towards Smaller And Less Palatable Fish Species In A Warmer World
Human activities drive changes in marine ecosystems, both directly through e.g. fishing and habitat modification, and indirectly through climate change. Warmer temperatures and associated oxygen decrease will influence the abundance, distribution and diversity of wild fish stocks. Previous studies showed that smaller fishes can cope... click to read more
How fisheries bring carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere
Today's global warming is increasingly threatening our planet. The Paris Agreement – an international agreement on climate change mitigation – aims to limit global warming to below 1.5-2°C relative to preindustrial levels. To meet this ambitious goal, we may need to drastically cut human-related emissions... click to read more
Go with the flow: dams could have a far-reaching impact on fisheries in tropical rivers
We need energy to sustain modern life. In most tropical developing countries, such as Brazil, energy is produced mainly through hydropower. This usually requires building dams, which negatively impacts the environmental and socioeconomic situation in the area. Many such dams are planned in tropical rivers, such... click to read more
Making the coral reef ‘A-list’
Coral reefs around the world are in crisis. Climate change, overfishing, and pollution are devastating coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the largest coral reef in the World, has had three major coral bleaching events in just 5 years, which have killed nearly... click to read more
A connected ocean: drifting fish larvae bind nations' marine territories
Marine fisheries are an important source of food, employment, and income for millions of people. Over 90% of the marine fish we eat are caught within countries' coastal waters, and policies to conserve these fish often assume they stay within those waters their whole lives.... click to read more
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