number of breaks: 24
Awake or dreaming: how brain ‘noise’ tells the difference
We spend almost one-third of our lives asleep, being disconnected from the world and seemingly 'inactive'. But sleeping is not a waste of time – it is essential for maintaining both our body and mind in good shape. Indeed, sleep is an exceptionally complex biological... click to read more
Learning to stop: two types of neurons cooperate to adjust behaviour
We continuously learn about the consequences of our actions and change our behaviour accordingly so we can in future repeat a response that produced the desired outcome and hold back learned behaviours that are no longer appropriate. Imagine you are hungry and go to the... click to read more
Our blood may be making us smarter
There is nothing subtle about the immune system. T cells, potent immune cells found in the blood, can kill just about anything. In response to a viral infection, T cells move in, kill any of your cells that have a virus inside them, coordinate a... click to read more
A contributing gene for cannabis dependence
It's easy to see how certain traits can be linked back to your genetics, such as your hair color or height. It's also undeniable that some mental health disorders, such as schizophrenia, have a strong genetic link. More recently, substance use disorder - a category... click to read more
Where mind meets body: a master brain circuit for stress responses
When feeling stressed or nervous, you notice the pounding heart, pale face, and dry mouth – fundamental autonomic responses to psychological stress. Stress responses are conserved in many mammalian species and thought to be beneficial for wild animals, such as when they encounter their enemies. ... click to read more
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