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Content: Volume 4, Issue 2

showing 1-5 of 19 breaks

The unexpected partner(s): a billion viruses

What constitutes a human body? What is it that makes your body, your own? If we begin to break it down, you can easily see that your body is covered with a layer of hair and skin. Beneath that lie your circulatory systems, bones and... click to read more

  • Jeremy J. Barr | Lecturer at School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Australia
Views 6890
Reading time 4 min
published on Jun 28, 2018
The breathing and fate of a rock slope

In mountainous regions, large sections of rocks slopes can be unstable and potentially collapse leading to catastrophic events where people and infrastructure are exposed. In most cases, movements affect the slope prior to the failure and can thus be measured to assess the hazard and... click to read more

  • Line Rouyet | PhD student at Norut – Northern Research Institute, Tromsø, Norway - Institute of Earth Sciences, Risk Analysis Group, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Views 5343
Reading time 3 min
published on Jun 26, 2018
Big changes ahead for Antarctica’s plants and animals

Antarctic species don't just include the charismatic marine animals, such as killer whales, penguins and seals. There is actually a whole range of purely land-based animals and plants that spend their whole life-cycle on the frozen continent. These include moss and lichen, microbes and many... click to read more

  • Jasmine Lee | PhD student at Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science, The University of Queensland, Australia
Views 7648
Reading time 3 min
published on Jun 21, 2018
Probing the evolution of photosynthetic life on the early Earth

In a famous cartoon, a fish morphs slowly into a human as it forsakes water for dry land. With sly humor, this doodle actually captures a pervasive narrative of evolutionary history: the oceans are life's cradle, with life gaining the continents only later. Seemingly, the... click to read more

  • Andrew H. Knoll | Professor at Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Views 6627
Reading time 3 min
published on Jun 19, 2018
Environmental sustainability of nationally recommended diets

It has long been understood that what we eat impacts not only our health, but our environment too. Despite this food-sustainability awareness, very few national dietary recommendations (NRD) make any consideration of sustainability. For example, the USDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans has a lot of... click to read more

  • Paul Behrens | Assistant Professor at LUC The Hague & Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University, Netherlands
Views 5745
Reading time 3 min
published on Jun 14, 2018