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number of breaks: 4

showing 1-4 of 4 breaks

Agriculture and climate change driving worldwide insect declines

Insects are critical for the functioning of life on earth. They support the provisioning of a wide variety of ecosystem services including pollination, pest control and decomposition. Therefore, the growing number of peer-reviewed studies publishing reports of steep insect declines should be of pressing concern.... click to read more

Views 1654
Reading time 3 min
published on Aug 2, 2023
Raincoats in nature: waterproof armors for insects and plants

Raining is perhaps spectacular, but for small insects or plant leaves, fast-falling raindrops with high impact can be very dangerous. Imagine how scary if bowling balls are falling at your head from the sky. What kind of trick do they use to protect themselves? As a... click to read more

  • Sunghwan Jung | Associate Professor at Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, New York, USA
Views 4626
Reading time 3 min
published on Apr 30, 2021
Insect microbiomes – a new hope against antimicrobial resistance?

Nowadays, more and more antibiotics (also referred to as antimicrobial drugs) are becoming ineffective to fight against bad bacteria and fungi because these organisms are capable of rapidly developing resistance to those compounds. These resistances arise due to the misuse and overuse of antibiotics. In... click to read more

  • Fabio Palmieri | PhD student at University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Views 4677
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Aug 2, 2019
How did ant-plant interactions evolve?

What are those ants doing? No, over there. Ants are all kind of the same, right? Nope. Ants are diverse - there are actually more kinds of ants than birds. Some live underground, and some use plants as places to hunt for food or... click to read more

  • Matthew P. Nelsen | Research Scientist at The Field Museum, Integrative Research Center, Chicago, IL, USA
  • Richard H. Ree | Curator at The Field Museum, Integrative Research Center, Chicago, IL, USA
  • Corrie S. Moreau | Curator at Cornell University, Departments of Entomology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Ithaca, NY, USA
Views 6031
Reading time 4 min
published on May 3, 2019