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How the early Earth evolved from a hellish to a habitable world

No terrestrial rocks that formed in the first 500 million years of Earth’s history have been discovered so far, making it difficult to study this period. This, however, has not deterred scientists from trying to understand this period because many events that shaped the present-day... click to read more

Views 1862
Reading time 4 min
published on May 19, 2023
Are planets with oxygen-rich atmospheres rare?

Complex life on Earth requires oxygen. Understanding how oxygen levels have evolved on our planet can provide an insight into our own evolution and the possibility of complex life evolving elsewhere. Current theories suggest that Earth's O2 levels have risen three times over its 4.5... click to read more

  • Lewis Alcott | PhD student at University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
  • Benjamin Mills | Associate Professor at University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Views 10125
Reading time 3 min
published on Aug 11, 2020