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Survival of the friendliest

More than forty million Americans cherish their tail-wagging, face-licking, ball-fetching best friends. But not many people would welcome a wolf into their home. What makes dogs so uniquely friendly? Scientists have studied the unique relationship between humans and domestic dogs for decades, but the role... click to read more

  • Bridgett vonHoldt | Assistant Professor at Princeton University, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 106A Guyot Hall, Princeton, USA
  • Emily Shuldiner | Undergraduate student at Princeton University, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 106A Guyot Hall, Princeton, USA
  • Monique Udell | Assistant Professor at Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences, Oregon State University, OR 97331, USA
Views 7352
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Dec 13, 2017
Chimpanzees Trust Their Friends

Human friendships are often characterized by preferential intentions and attitudes including trusting expectations of close social relations. Humans largely trust only their friends with crucial resources or important secrets. In this study, we investigated whether chimpanzees show a comparable pattern and extend trust selectively toward... click to read more

  • Jan Engelmann | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany
Views 5210
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Apr 14, 2016