number of breaks: 4
Genetics agrees: Africa is thriving in diversity
Since the Human Genome Project published the first sequence of the human DNA code in 2001, the field of human genetics has dramatically expanded. New studies have identified specific changes in the DNA code (or genetic variants) that are linked to why some people are... click to read more
Crop yield responses to conservation agriculture in Africa
Food demand in sub-Saharan Africa will increase drastically in the coming decades due to rapid population growth and a rise in wealth. Maize is the main African staple crop in terms of calorie intake. However, yields are low and have been stagnating. For example, average... click to read more
Mosquito travel diaries: destinations, routes, stowaways, and … cost
Although grappling with a viral pandemic, half the world's population is at risk of illness or death from malaria, dengue, and other mosquito-borne diseases. Therefore, it's no surprise that controlling mosquitoes is a top global health priority. But there's a lot we don't know about... click to read more
Enhancing cassava for better nutrition in every bite
Cassava is a staple food crop in sub-Saharan Africa, where millions of people eat it every day. It's an especially important source of food during times of drought, because cassava is a hardy plant that continues to produce its starchy storage roots when water is scarce... click to read more
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