Content: Volume 5, Issue 3
The language we speak is the lens through which we see the world
Memory plays a crucial role in our lives: we do not only need memory to recall the knowledge acquired before an exam, but also to know where our home is located, and even who our friends and family are. In the absence of important diseases,... click to read more
AntBot is able to go home like desert ants
Autonomous navigation is one of the leading technological challenges of the 21st century in the fields of the automotive industry, air and maritime transport, and mobile robotics. To be functional, such systems must perform multi-sensor data fusion provided by the GPS and other devices like... click to read more
Haptics and Sight in Action: a new way to grasp the human brain
In everyday life, actions are not only directed toward objects we see but also toward objects we already hold in one hand. For instance, even without vision, we can easily grasp the lid of a marmalade jar, open up a bottle or fill a candy... click to read more
From a fossil to a robot…and all the steps in between
Being almost 300 million years old, the extinct Orobates pabsti did not know that at some point in the future, engineers and biologists would have reconstructed its fossilized bones into a robot to study how it used to walk and thus, learn more things about... click to read more
The berries and the bees: wild bees do it better
Even though that there are more than 20,000 species of bees worldwide, the word "bee" often invokes images of a hive-dwelling, golden-liquid-generating insect. Although honey bees have been stealing the spotlight for quite some time, most bee species are wild, unmanaged, and do not produce... click to read more
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