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Earth & Space

showing 96-100 of 192 breaks

Can coral reef islands survive sea level rise?

Sea-level rise will expose coastal communities around the world to increasingly destructive coastal erosion and flooding. This is especially true for coral reef islands, which are low elevation accumulations of loose sand and gravel that have become populated throughout the tropics. For atoll nations like... click to read more

  • Eddie Beetham | Coastal scientist at Tonkin and Taylor International Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
  • Gerd Masselink | Professor of Coastal Geomorphology at School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK
  • Paul Kench | Professor of Earth Science at Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
Views 5369
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Dec 21, 2020
Storm surge extremes are so SPATIAL

On hearing the term climate change, very often, what comes first to mind is rising temperatures, sea-level rise, or ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica. Only after catastrophic weather hazards, such as those associated with severe storms, the debate turns into the impact of climate... click to read more

  • Francisco M. Calafat | Senior Scientist at National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK
  • Marta Marcos | Associate professor at University of the Balearic Islands, Palma, Spain
Views 3621
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Dec 18, 2020
Digging up a dinosaur in a galaxy cluster

Galaxy clusters are the biggest gravitationally-bound objects in the Universe, millions of light years across, some as massive as a quadrillion (10^15) suns. They contain thousands of galaxies and are filled with 100-million-degree plasma, so tenuous it is a million times less dense than the... click to read more

Views 3768
Reading time 4 min
published on Dec 17, 2020
Arid lands transform abruptly as aridity increases

Climate change poses a concrete threat to arid ecosystems, in which water is limited (it rains less than 65% of what is evaporated). These dry ecosystems cover almost half of the terrestrial surface and are predicted to go through increased aridification, which endangers the plants... click to read more

  • Miguel Berdugo | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC), 08003, Barcelona, Spain
Views 5505
Reading time 3 min
published on Dec 15, 2020
More droughts, more war?

Historically, violent conflicts tend to predominantly erupt in bad years, when droughts, floods, or heatwaves put the functioning of societies to the test. Does this mean that violent conflicts will become more frequent as extreme weather becomes increasingly common, globally, because of climate change? While each... click to read more

Views 4294
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Dec 14, 2020