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Explore the best sugar factory: the fruit

Everyone knows that eating fruit is important for good health, being full of vitamins and essential elements. The delicious taste of a fruit is mainly determined by its sugar and acid composition. Indeed, fruit contains several sugars with different properties. For example, in peach, there... click to read more

  • Elsa Desnoues | Postdoctoral Researcher at Cornell University, NYSAES, Geneva, NY, USA
  • Michel Génard | Director of research at INRA Centre de recherche PACA, Avignon, France
  • Bénédicte Quilot-Turion | Researcher at INRA Centre de recherche PACA, Avignon, France
  • Valentina Baldazzi | Chargé de Recherche at INRA Centre de recherche PACA, Avignon, France
Views 5878
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Aug 29, 2018