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Desertification danger: the aridification of humid regions

A major ongoing threat to our planet is global warming. One of the main implications of global warming is the aridification of the continents, which is when a region becomes dry. Both natural (e.g., higher temperature, reduced precipitation, increased evaporation) and human influenced changes (e.g.,... click to read more

  • Lucas Vimpere | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Earth and environmental sciences section, Faculty of science, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Views 3839
Reading time 3 min
published on Mar 16, 2022
What Caribbean coasts can tell us about the future of climate change

Today's climate change is driving geological changes such as coastal erosion and expansion of arid areas. It is also threatening our planet. Such dramatic climate changes happened before in the planet's history. These past events may teach us to forecast what the ongoing events are... click to read more

  • Lucas Vimpere | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Earth and environmental sciences section, Faculty of science, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Views 4482
Reading time 3 min
published on Jan 28, 2021