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Millions of years of evolution at stake on Madagascar

The island of Madagascar is one of the world’s most important hotspots of biodiversity, harboring diverse species from baobab trees to lemurs and even the world’s smallest chameleon, most of which are found nowhere else on Earth. In fact, around 90% of its species of... click to read more

Views 2369
Reading time 4 min
published on Aug 14, 2023
Humans are affecting the evolution of animals and plants

Like in a theatre where actors interact to perform the script of a given play, species on Earth interact with each other in an ecological arena, interpreting millions of years of evolution. The famous ecologist G.E. Hutchinson made that analogy back in 1965, calling attention... click to read more

  • Carine Emer | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at São Paulo State University, São Paulo, Brazil
Views 10435
Reading time 3 min
published on Feb 13, 2020