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number of breaks: 9

showing 6-9 of 9 breaks

The Pacific is drowning in plastic

Halfway between the coastal beaches of Southern California and the paradise islands of Hawaii lies the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) - a patch of plastic debris covering a vast area of the oceanic surface. Despite the name, it is not a compact garbage island... click to read more

  • Beata Kusmider | PhD student at Department of Molecular Biology, Section of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Views 6532
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Apr 15, 2019
Seal poo unravels the microplastic journey through marine food webs

Plastic pollution is now one of the most widespread and significant threats facing our oceans. Microplastics (pieces less than 5 mm in size), in particular, have been in the spotlight for a number of reasons. Firstly, there's so many of them! Microplastics come from a... click to read more

  • Sarah Nelms | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Plymouth Marine Laboratory, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
Views 12017
Reading time 4 min
published on Oct 8, 2018
The shape of the ocean: deep waters and their movement

Oceanographers know how the deepest reaches of the ocean are filled: by very cold and dense waters formed in contact with the polar air and ice of Antarctica. These dense Antarctic waters plunge under their own weight and snake along the global seafloor at depths... click to read more

  • Casimir de Lavergne | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Views 6963
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Jul 31, 2018
Microscopic Body-Snatchers Infest Our Oceans

Recently we have found that our oceans are full of microscopic "body-snatchers" that are important members of the ocean's food-web. The base of marine ecology rests upon the microscopic plankton. The origin of the term plankton is from the Greek word πλαγκτός meaning "I drift (myself)".... click to read more

  • Aditee Mitra | Senior Lecturer at Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK
Views 5799
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Jun 5, 2018