Content: Volume 2, Issue 2
Distractions and emotions: key factors in vehicle collisions
In general, fatal crash rates have been declining in the U.S. for several decades.1 This improvement is due to a variety of factors, including the reliability and overall safety of vehicles and the design and conditions of U.S. roadways. However, the U.S. has not kept... click to read more
The lifetime of memories
"Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future." Elie Wiesel
Memory is essential for animal survival and gives human beings the extraordinary ability to develop consciousness and ultimately the self. The brain mechanisms that allow us... click to read more
The use of neonicotinoid pesticides affects wild bee populations
Bees are more than honey-makers. They pollinate crops and hence are key elements in our food production. Honeybees, wild bee species such as bumblebees and solitary bees, butterflies, wasps, and flies, all provide an invaluable work of pollination. In fact, a third of the food... click to read more
Collateral damage: antibiotics disrupt the balance in the gut
Bacteria are present everywhere, also on our body surfaces. The intestine provides optimal living conditions to a diverse microbial ecosystem, termed the gut microbiota. In the intestine, the microbes live in very close connection and constant interaction with the host, us. The connection between bacteria... click to read more
A new code for a new life
Life on our planet is based on DNA. DNA is a big molecule present in all organisms, and it contains the instructions to build each of life's components. It is the biological way to store and spread information. It is the universal language of life... click to read more
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