Content: Volume 2, Issue 1
Fighting back antibiotic resistance: a new hope from the soil
Bacteria live in a hectic world. They need to find food and a happy place to live all while dividing every 20 or so minutes. To complicate things further, they must also outcompete the other bacteria they share a space with. In the human gut,... click to read more
A dangerous habit: bees prefer pesticide-contaminated nectar
The impact of pesticides on pollinators is an important factor for the future of world food security, as well as a hotly debated and controversial topic. Pollinating insects like bees help to increase the yields of many food crops but, in doing so, are inadvertently... click to read more
The lingering effects of parental care and its role in evolutionary change
For centuries, European culture has been enriched by depictions in art and literature of the diverse ways in which parents can exert a long-lasting influence on their children. We now know that animal parents can have similarly lingering effects on their offspring and a relatively... click to read more
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