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Dr. Devina Misra

Senior Scientific Editor

About Devina

Devina’s interest in the cosmos from a young age has led her to pursue a PhD in astrophysics. While she feels most at home thinking about the interactions of stars and planets, she realises the importance of accurately communicating scientific ideas to the general public. With the complicated scientific jargon used by scientists immersed in research, even slightly careless remarks can lead to a huge misunderstanding. She wants to learn more about current research in other fields of science, as well as bring what she has learned from her experience in astronomy and astrophysics.

Devina is the editor of 4 Breaks:

Unlocking a new way to fight against antibiotic resistance: viruses are the key

We discovered viruses, called phages, that are capable of killing an antibiotic-resistant superbug lurking in intensive care units (ICUs). When the superbug tried to escape from phages it lost the protective layer that made it antibiotic-resistant. We forced the super-bug into the dilemma of death by phages or death by antibiotics.

Jun 8, 2022 | 4 min read
The Ocean 100: the big fishes of the blue economy

Growing economic use of the oceans may help determine the achievement of global conservation goals. In looking to see where this capacity rests, we find that the 10 largest companies in 8 core ocean-based industries generate, on average, 45% of each industry’s total revenues. This level of concentration presents both risks and opportunities to sustainability.

Mar 30, 2022 | 4 min read
All is not lost for biodiversity

Reports that wildlife declined by more than 50% in recent decades grabbed headlines, but calculating an average global decline is trickier than it might seem. We show that seemingly catastrophic global declines were driven by less than 3% of total populations. We provide a better way to assess biodiversity trends, revealing both, a need for acute regional conservation and some improving trends.

Feb 24, 2022 | 3.5 min read
Snake uses its split jaws as a knife and fork

Animals with no limbs (like snakes) are expected to have a disadvantage when handling their food. Although most snakes swallow their prey whole, we found that a species of snakes manoeuvres its split jaws to overcome the indigestible parts of its food.

Dec 10, 2021 | 4 min read