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Dr. Beata Kusmider

Managing Editor

About Beata

Engineer of biotechnology by training and a PhD candidate in molecular biology, Beata believes that science not only needs public understanding, but also engagement. At the same time, she realizes that science advances quickly. So fast, that it is hard for the information to be transmitted to and assimilated by the broader public. Consequently, Beata wants to participate in dissemination of new discoveries and creation of a forum, where groups with different points of view meet and every perspective can be heard and addressed.

Beata is the editor of 16 Breaks:

How many factors of global change affect soils

It is very difficult to study many factors of global change at the same time. We did this using a trick: we asked what happens if you steadily increase the number of factors that influence a soil, ignoring factor identity. This way we found that just the number of factors can explain general trends in soil properties and biodiversity.

Sep 7, 2020 | 3.5 min read
Black holes ring like Einstein predicted

Black holes lie at the center of some of the deepest questions in fundamental physics. Yet, according to Einstein’s theory of gravity, black holes should also be remarkably simple. Using gravitational waves to check that this is the case could yield invaluable clues about the true nature of gravity, space, and time.

Aug 28, 2020 | 3.5 min read
Processions in Palaeozoic seas

Collective behavior is common among present-day animals. Exceptional fossils from Morocco - trilobites lined-up in single files and facing the same direction - suggest collective migrations date back to at least 480 million years ago.

Aug 20, 2020 | 3.5 min read
Another sweet story

During domestication humans select and maintain plants that have higher yield and better quality. Until recently, we were unaware of the genetic causes underlying this selection. However, with the advances in genomics, we can now identify the genetic changes that occurred during the domestication of crops.

May 11, 2020 | 3 min read
How almonds became sweet

How many times have you enjoyed sweet, healthy almonds and, suddenly, all this sweetness became erased by a taste of a single bitter one? Almond genome has enlightened how a single point mutation turned the previously bitter almonds sweet.

Feb 7, 2020 | 4 min read
The long wait and rapid rise of deep magma

Magma erupted from a volcano in Iceland was stored at the boundary between the crust and the mantle for thousands of years before travelling to the surface in a matter of days. This improves our understanding of how magma behaves before an eruption.

Jan 29, 2020 | 3.5 min read