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Dr. Ayala Sela

Associate Editor

About Ayala

Ayala’s interest in science started at a young age, with exposure to both popular-science and science-fiction. Her curiosity and enthusiasm for the natural sciences resulted in degrees in both chemical engineering and molecular biology, and a firm belief that the advancement of humanity depends on our ability to share, discuss and understand novel ideas. With great power comes great responsibility, and Ayala believes it is the responsibility of scientists to show the beauty and strength of science to the public. Still looking for the science-fiction novel hidden within her, she looks to science communication as a way to share new concepts, tools and discoveries with curious people from all walks of life.

Ayala is the editor of 67 Breaks:

How scientists light up their tobacco

We have genetically engineered tobacco plants capable of producing their own light, a phenomenon never described in any plants in nature. In addition to its aesthetic potential, this could lead to significant advances in techniques for imaging and studying physiological processes in plants.

Nov 9, 2020 | 3.5 min read