climate change
number of breaks: 59
More droughts, more war?
Historically, violent conflicts tend to predominantly erupt in bad years, when droughts, floods, or heatwaves put the functioning of societies to the test. Does this mean that violent conflicts will become more frequent as extreme weather becomes increasingly common, globally, because of climate change? While each... click to read more
Hot currents: Global ocean circulation speeds up
The Earth has experienced rapid warming in recent decades. This warming is caused by increased emissions of greenhouse gases related to human activities, as found by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The ocean is an important player in this process, as it is... click to read more
Corals display bright colours to fight bleaching
A seemingly endless sea of ghostly white corals more and more often replaces a once-thriving reef. The image of mass coral bleaching is a striking portrait of how climate change is threatening marine ecosystems' survival and the millions of people they support. Coral bleaching occurs... click to read more
Extreme glacier melt and climate change
Glaciers around the world are melting faster than in any previous decade since measurements began. Glaciers form when snow accumulates over many years and compresses into ice. Glaciers accumulate snow in the winter, and then melt ice in the summer. Cold temperatures, more snow, or both,... click to read more
A newly discovered (microscopic) global source of methane
The average temperature on Earth rose dramatically during the last century. This is due to human activity, which led to the increased atmospheric concentration of certain gases, typically called greenhouse gases. These gases increase the solar heat trapped by our planet. The greenhouse gas methane... click to read more
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