climate change
number of breaks: 59
More than money: what do we need to adapt to climate change?
Climate change is already threatening the daily lives of people across the globe. In response, considerable investments are being made by governments, non-governmental organizations, and development agencies to help communities build their capacity to adapt. For example, one such initiative (The Adaptation Fund) has alone... click to read more
Plastic is fantastic, but recycling is no magic
Plastic has been unbeaten for decades as the top packaging material. Plastic materials are lightweight, flexible and durable, and can easily undergo a plethora of recycling processes without being irreversibly damaged. Why then, do substantial amounts of unused plastic material end up going to waste? Plastic... click to read more
Diversity may save wines from climate change
Today's climate change is dramatically reshaping environments and threatening society, countless animal and plant species, and sustainable agriculture. Scientists foresee that global warming is going to bring unpleasant outcomes, such as reductions in crops' yield and quality. Today's farmers need a way to adapt to... click to read more
Could COVID-19 decide our climate future?
In early 2020, the world suddenly fell quiet as measures were put in place to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. No more traffic jams — the clear roads and skies and cleaner air were a brief silver lining. But has the pandemic really been making an... click to read more
Too hot to stay cool: dangerously accelerating glaciers’ melt in New Zealand
Glaciers, popularly thought of as rivers of ice, are "sentinels" of climate change — stable and persisting over centuries, they slowly respond to environmental changes. So, measuring fluctuations in glaciers provides a great way to estimate the long-term effect of changing climate. Diminishing or even... click to read more
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