Content: Volume 8, Issue 3
Genetically Reprogramming Biological Clocks: One Step Closer To The Fountain Of Youth
Aging, the cruel fate from which no one can escape, is associated with drastic physiological changes amplified by the increased expression of genes related to cell damage. This uncontrolled expression contributes to the natural aging of our organs and tissues which gradually lose the ability... click to read more
Understanding The Risk For Severe Outcomes Of Youth With COVID-19
During the early stages of the global COVID-19 pandemic, children younger than 18 years of age represented less than 5% of overall reported cases. However, as the pandemic had evolved, young people represented a growing proportion of new COVID-19 cases. Similarly, pediatric hospitalizations due... click to read more
Race And Gender Inequalities In Citations And Research Topics In US
Science is often perceived as a meritocratic landscape, where the “best” authors receive a larger share of citations, grants, and funding to continue their research lines, and subsequent prestige within the scientific community. However, this conceptualization ignores the fact that science is a social phenomenon,... click to read more
Creating Tiny Stars On Earth In The Quest For Fusion Power
Fusion is the physical process that powers the stars and harnessing this capability on Earth for carbon-free power generation is a grand challenge of modern physics. The potential payout is enormous – each gallon of seawater contains enough naturally-occurring fusion fuel (a special type of... click to read more
Can we read the universe’s book of secrets?
Illustration realized in the framework of a collaboration between the Image/Recit option of the HEAD (Haute École d'Art et de Design) - Genève and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva. The standard model of particle physics is one of the most successful... click to read more
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