Content: Volume 8, Issue 3
The Dark Side of Nudges
How can you get someone to change their behavior in a socially desirable way? One method employed by governments and policy experts worldwide is the use of behavioral interventions or “nudges”: if you can provide a useful piece of information (e.g., benefits of washing hands,... click to read more
The mechanisms behind synchronized hunts in spiders
In nature, entities like cells or organisms like spiders and humans, can interact to generate collective behavior. Among these fascinating behaviors, synchronization is found at all scales of life, from heart tissue where cells beat regularly to assemblies of fireflies that flash in rhythm. Within... click to read more
Using ants to sniff out cancer?
According to the WHO, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Efficient screening programs exist but detect only a select number of cancers and are invasive and expensive. What if a team of scientists told you they had found a new original method... click to read more
Network resuscitation – pumping life into a failed complex system
We have seen this many times in movies: an unconscious protagonist is jolted back to life through abrupt electrical shocks from a defibrillator. But how is that possible? A functioning body is, after all, an intricate machinery of extremely complex organs, all having to perform... click to read more
When One Disaster Follows Another
In September 2017 Hurricane Irma passed close to Puerto Rico, and its torrential rainfall and high winds led to widespread power outages, saturated ground, blocked roads, and damaged water systems. Just two weeks later, Hurricane Maria moved directly across the island with sustained winds of... click to read more
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