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showing 6-10 of 53 breaks

Girls are more likely to attribute failure to lack of talent

Gender stereotypes and bias about talent or brilliance have been explored in the past, but usually in specific contexts or cultures. Our aim was to provide a multinational investigation of these stereotypes and to document how gender-talent stereotypes can be related to the glass ceiling.... click to read more

  • Clotilde Napp | Professor at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris Sciences et Lettres Research University, France
  • Thomas Breda | Associate Professor at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris School of Economics, Paris, France
Views 2789
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Mar 15, 2023
The Dark Side of Nudges

How can you get someone to change their behavior in a socially desirable way? One method employed by governments and policy experts worldwide is the use of behavioral interventions or “nudges”: if you can provide a useful piece of information (e.g., benefits of washing hands,... click to read more

  • Jonathan Hall | Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Policy at University of Toronto
  • Joshua Madsen | Assistant Professor of Accounting at University of Minnesota
Views 3757
Reading time 3 min
published on Sep 30, 2022
Race And Gender Inequalities In Citations And Research Topics In US

Science is often perceived as a meritocratic landscape, where the “best” authors receive a larger share of citations, grants, and funding to continue their research lines, and subsequent prestige within the scientific community. However, this conceptualization ignores the fact that science is a social phenomenon,... click to read more

  • Diego Kozlowski | PhD student at University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; Berry College, Rome, Georgia, USA
  • Thema Monroe-White | Assistant Professor at University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; Berry College, Rome, Georgia, USA
Views 2724
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Aug 4, 2022
What’s on your mind? A sneak-peek of your wandering thoughts

If you get a glimpse into all the thoughts you’ve had today, it will likely reveal pockets of time when they were focused on your ongoing task (for example when you rush through an assignment to meet a deadline); when they aimlessly wandered from one... click to read more

  • Julia W. Y. Kam | Assistant Professor at Department of Psychology, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
  • Caitlin Mills | Assistant Professor at Department of Psychology, University of New Hampshire, Durham, United States
Views 4712
Reading time 4 min
published on Mar 18, 2022
No need to stress when the dissertation deadline approaches

At most universities, students are supposed to write a dissertation at the end of their studies. Previous studies suggest that students perceive writing such dissertations as stressful. Such perceptions are dependent on a process called cognitive appraisal - the subjective reaction to what happens around... click to read more

  • Max Korbmacher | PhD Student at Faculty of Psychology, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Views 5065
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Feb 18, 2022