Evolution & Behaviour
The fate of a century-old partnership between humans and dolphins
Humans’ interactions with nature have been the key to our global ecological success. But such interactions are typically one-sided—humans gain the largest benefits; nature pays the larger cost—thereby fueling the current global ecological crisis. Compared to the widespread escalating human-wildlife conflicts, interactions that benefit both... click to read more
How mixed-breed dogs resolve the “horoscopes” surrounding dog breeds
Very little in genetics is determinate—least of all, behavior. Behaviors are dynamic processes by which animals respond to their environment to survive, and evolution can shape genes affecting behavior over generations. Genetic selection may be even more dramatic in domestic animals due to human influence... click to read more
The diurnal habits of a long-gone Tibetan Owl
The daytime evolutionary history of owl has largely been hidden and not studied in depth before due to the lack of definite fossil evidence. Here, we found a new fossil owl skeleton embedded in more than six-million-year-old red clay deposited during the late Miocene Epoch... click to read more
Millions of years of evolution at stake on Madagascar
The island of Madagascar is one of the world’s most important hotspots of biodiversity, harboring diverse species from baobab trees to lemurs and even the world’s smallest chameleon, most of which are found nowhere else on Earth. In fact, around 90% of its species of... click to read more
Man-made check dams alter tadpole growth and activity
Man-made check dams are common in our streams and rivers and are known to be effective soil and water conservation structures. Of course, they do help us in retain the soil carried by torrents from the mountains and act as artificial water sources for our... click to read more
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